My Abstinence Journey – Part 1 (My First Love)

10 Things To Know Before Dating A White Guy

There are different flavors of cake - Chocolate, Red Velvet, Caramel, Carrot, Apple, etc. Even though they are all sweet, people have their individual preferences. Dating is like this. It's a game we play trying to figure out what we like and, what we can never condone. 

There is no manual to tell whose flavor one will end up picking because one man's food is another man's poison. And let's not forget that there are so many flavors. How accurate can you be on picking your favorite flavor if you haven't tasted at least 3?

One of the advantages of living in Nigeria and the United States is the opportunity to date guys from other races. More specifically, Caucasian guys. My friends say I like them. Well, I do not hate them. But I believe the main reason I always dated white guys is that they were the ones interested in me. Want to go down with the swirl? Know these 10 things before dating a white guy.

1.   It will feel awkward sometimes - This goes both ways. It's natural that when dating someone from another race, they will have a different cultural/social background from you. So there will be times when you will say a joke, and they will not get it. Or they will make a comment that 100% contradict your views.

2.   Let's go dutch - You mean go and eat at a dutch restaurant? That's what I said when he first told me lol. To go dutch means to share the cost of a meal equally. 50/50 is a normal thing among White men in the US. 

3.   There will be a public display of affection - Be ready for the action. You may just be walking and hold hands. Or be passionately kissing on the streets. It's their way of showing affection and its ok!

4.   He dances offbeat - Except on rare occasions if he is a pop star :) It sounds funny but there is some truth to it. He may have a different rhythm from the one you are used to.

5.   It may be better to not talk about racism - You may want to act mature and entertain discussions about racism. But be assured that unless he is a human rights activist, he would say something about race that may offend you. So it's better to let sleeping dogs lye.

6.   'White people shit' - There is a popular saying in the US 'W.P.S.' These are activities that White people engage in and, other races may not be interested in doing. It may be horse riding, bear hunting, rock music, country music, or mountain climbing. 

7.   You are always independent - This is one thing I love about dating a white guy. You are not coerced to do anything. Your decision is as important as his in the relationship.

8.   He is a passionate lover, a good kisser - Get ready to be blown away. He listens to you, respects you, and follows your pace. No need to rush. He takes his time to make you feel comfortable and loved. And let's not forget about the tongue to tongue action!

9. It may be a fetish - It may look like a compliment when he calls you ‘exotic,’ and admires your dark skin. Truth is, it may also not be. He may just be interested knowing how it feels to date a person of color, and not necessarily be attracted to you as a person.

10. You will get the racial stares - People will stare. Both black and white people. You will feel judged. Especially if you are a black girl like you have failed the race by dating a guy from the Caucasian race who once enslaved black people. Don't forget these are the same people that will judge you if you have a failed marriage. The heart wants what it wants. For all its worth, do whatever makes you ha

For more on dating, check out the article about my hookup experience in Chicago.ppy!


  1. Thanks for reading my article. Please, feel free to leave comments, share and subscribe to stay up to date with the articles. Subscribtion is free!

  2. Wow. Nice to know this. I wish I'd once dated a white girl before, I would have loved to say something about them too.

    Keep it walking Omos

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